Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Some Thoughts on the Financial Crises

A single mom loses her factory job because some CEO somewhere can increase his/her profits by outsourcing production to China. When she asks her government for assistance, it’s called “welfare.” Society tells her she needs to get a job and pull her own weight.

The CEO of an investment bank makes some bad business decisions and bankrupts his company. He asks his government for assistance, and it’s called a “bailout.” He generally walks away from the situation in much better shape than does the single mom, and society says it’s necessary to maintain a stable economy.

In Matthew 20:16, Jesus tells us “the first will be last and the last will be first.” When will we who profess Christianity learn from the one we proclaim as our Lord and Savior? Greed has no place in Christianity. In fact, it generally violates eight of the 10 commandments, if not all 10. It certainly flies in the face of Jesus’ command to love God and neighbor.

As early as Genesis 12, we learn that God blesses so those so blessed will be a blessing. Managing wealth and power is a tremendous responsibility. When those so called use that wealth and power to the detriment of others, it hurts all of God’s creation.

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