Thursday, August 21, 2008

Global Warming -- a Practical Point of View

In my work as Director of Justice and Advocacy Ministries, I travel quite a bit -- often late at night. Although I love music, I often get bored listening to the same tunes over and over so I find myself listening to talk radio. Even though I seldom agree with self-proclaimed "conservative" radio talk show hosts like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh, I find them "interesting" to listen to.

Though Dr. Savage and Mr. Limbaugh have little in common, both make a lot of fun of those who believe in global warming, and both promote off shore drilling as the answer to our problems at the pump.

I'll be quite up front. I believe global warming is a reality, and something we should take quite seriously. However, even if I did not, I would support the development and use of renewable energy sources because using renewable energy just makes more sense than does continued dependence on a not so renewable source like oil. God gave us powerful resources like wind and the sun from which we can derive economical and clean energy in abundance without concerns about depletion.

Renewable energy also makes sense from a faith perspective. In Genesis, God tells us to use the resources God provides to take care of God's creation. Why use up a resource we don't have to when there are alternatives. Also, in Isaiah 55:2, God asks, "Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread and your labor for that which does not satisfy?" Indeed,with so much poverty in the world, why are we so intent on making a few people rich (research oil profits) when we could be spending a lot less on energy and feeding a lot more people. It just doesn't make any sense.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Chuck! I didn't know you had a blog (I'm just getting used to searching).

I completely agree with you. We have all these resources, but we are still being bottle-fed oil. We need to start weaning off of the stuff. My Chemistry professor says that there is no such thing as an energy crisis, only a lack of technology.